Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Good to see that g-s have just woken up to the fact that the ads change according to the key-words used in their text - I think they're trying to manipulate an ad for do-it-yourself PhD's - but not very successfully.

And, I've just realised that you are trying to get us a cucumber up the top, now Lee, I'm not so sure the cucumbers get advertised over the internet, it's not really the sort of thing that is satisfying in a virtual type of way, but we'll see if we get lucky.

Adam Eldridge has is very own PhD which he actually wrote a thesis for, and was awarded with it whilst doffing a floppy hat with tassell, but I'm not sure if he has any cucumber handy 'cos he's in London where the frost is lying thick and sparkling on the ground. (Unsuitable weather for cucumbers.)


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