Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The giraffe

I think we are way too prolific for this blogsite. We should all just take a rest and think about the good things we could write about. Like nature and that. Or wild animals, perhaps, more specifically.

Raarw! Went the tiger.

Raarw! Went John in reply.

They kept it up, trading 'Raarw's for a little while, but the conversation went no further and John soon got bored. He walked by a low pond containing otters, stopped long enough to glimpse one move, then went to look at the giraffe. Was ever a crazier animal invented?


Blogger lynn said...


7:07 PM  
Blogger lynn said...

Also, after reading your fine submissions to this very s l o w publication, I clicked on the little "next blog" button up the top and came across this: shrug mp3s.

To start with it looks less than inspiring, with lots of text and a picture of a smarmy bloke (which reminds me I've got to move my pic off my profile, I'm giving myself the shits), but read on through and it is quite interesting, in a blog kind of way.

7:10 PM  

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