Monday, May 31, 2004

Eat the hands of the pickers

In the event of a good line occuring to anyone, but insufficient energy to effect a narrative of however dubious quality, I think it should be prefaced thus:

I was reading a quality Entertainment magazine at the checkout of Stop N Go Mart the other day and I saw this marvellous quote by -

Brian Eno. He said. "I used to eat a lot of Cashews but then I learnt that they eat the hands of the pickers. Poor fellows"

Sample only, do not requote.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just returned to new york on the milkauwee basketball teams jet airplane. Such s cheap ticket and I had to to be relieved of overheard midwest quotes for awhile.
I had not placed my poor dogs on the city streets for more than an hour when i heard easily ten different conversations about the same subject.
"you know, that's what makes new york such a great city, its the..."
"I love this town, cause its soooo...."
"that's why this will always be the greatest city.."
"new york is so my kind of town"
"...proof why new york is so cool"

at first, I thought it was some elaborate real life tv scam. I never heard any of the reasons why these people fit in or belonged or why they thought this was the place for them. it was frustrating. Like trying to start an article while sitting on the can, but realizing nothing is moving and afraid of hemmoroids, so you have to put the article down, hoping to pick it up next visit.

It came to me that these half quotes express the feeling of being lost and confused and maybe overwhelmed. These were industrial sized quotes for quotes sake.

quotes made on a drifting ship, the hope of siting of land.

2:13 AM  

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