Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Makrame is art

Makeme, I read your posts as Rob, cos it was a new name, and I wondered why he was listening to a midget jewish woman lecturing in shallots about architecture. But still, in a Rob way, it seemed to make sense.

I've just read Easy Riders Raging ..he he he I just worked out i can edit everyone elses Posts and vice cersa I suppose. And this is sneaky fun coz I can shove stuff in here and see if you're re-reading your own posts to see how mentally unstable you were the day before, like I do...Bulls, and amidst all the incredible stuff in it I think I like the story of William Friedkin (director of french Connection and the exorcist) who's film (Sorceror) has also I could fuick up all your speling just gone overbudget by something like $20M (ORIGAMI A $10M film) and the studio execs call him in for a meeting. He arrives with two mates and all three are dressed as motor mechanics ("I wanted to show utter disrespect to these people"), orders a bottle of vodka, drinks his way through it, and falls off his chair as the execs explain the changes they'd like to make.


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