Friday, May 28, 2004

right - I'm trying again - will we have comments, or, a mess.

For whatever reason the Weymouth donkeys came into my head as I was writing that. Particularly seeing them walking down the street, around the round about before they got to the beach. Where did they live? I don't know.


nope, the comments did not come out - I'll have to look at this again in the cold hard sober light of day.

oh dear, oh deary deary me, I've really stuffed it up now, do not mix blogger and stout, that's all I can say ...

more ... ahem ... the comments do not appear to be working ... I'll try again - this time with feeling please.

wondering about the comments ... will they come up?

wondering if Tom will get on line with us all and post his stuff again - I've just invited him.
the new clickier keyboard does calm down a bit, but yes, I too wonder about the designers at Mac/Apple, what are they thinking about, maybe they are droids, and do not think as such, there is a headline in the latest New York Review of Books which asks "do dogs think?" and I think that the answer is very much "yes!" but what are they thinking about?

other dogs, food, crazy people, living in houses, and living outside of houses, that strange indefinable thing that seems to be somewhere to the back of me, could it be my back legs? or is it an enemy? food, food, food, sleep, other dogs, food, sleep, running.
